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Take Control of Blood Pressure

Effectively managing your blood pressure can help reduce your chances of life-threatening medical events, even death.

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Planning a Balanced, Plant-Based Diet for Kids

Caregivers who follow a vegetarian, vegan or other plant-based diet may wonder whether it’s wise for their children to follow the same eating plan.

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5 Trending Holiday Looks for the Whole Family

Creating trendy ensembles when you just want to stay warm can be a challenge, but this season’s hottest looks make it easy to keep cozy while dressing up or down. Whether you’re aiming for style for a holiday celebration or planning an evening out to shop and take in the holiday lights, this season’s trends have you covered.

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5 Steps to Properly Manage Blood Pressure

Nearly half of all American adults have high blood pressure, or hypertension, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of those, about 75% don’t have it under control, and many may not even realize they have it unless they experience other complications.

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How to Be a Savvier Shopper

Whether you’re shopping online or in-store, you can ensure you’re getting the most for your money with a little extra planning.

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5 Tips to Ace College Entry Exams

Because most colleges and universities require applicants to submit ACT or SAT results as part of admissions consideration, prepping for the test itself can be a critical component of that process.

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5 Ways to Support Teachers this Fall Article Formatted Half Page 5 Ways to Support Teachers this Fall

Throughout the pandemic, teachers have gone above and beyond for their students, becoming not just educators, but also counselors, role models and friends to their students by supporting their overall well-being.

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Special Centerpieces for Holiday Celebrations

Few things bring family and friends together quite like the holidays, and serving up an elegant, seasonal meal centered around a mouthwatering main dish is a recipe for creating lasting memories with the ones you love.

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Create Quality School Day Meals with Simple Shortcuts

The seemingly constant rush of hectic school days and nights often leaves busy families feeling like there’s no time for a homemade meal around the table. However, taking shortcuts that don’t skip out on quality can mean more time together enjoying flavorful dishes without spending hours in the kitchen.

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Safety Steps for Spooky Fun

Traditional family activities like trick-or-treating create fun moments and memories, but the effects of COVID-19 on this Halloween will bring about change for the spooky excitement.

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Ease Into Education

If there’s one constant this year, it’s change. With another school year comes even more change, but you can help your family make a smooth transition with some planning and preparation.

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How to Clean Up Your Summer Grilling Game

Simple, flavorful ingredients make for instant family favorites

There’s something about summertime that ushers in an easygoing spirit. The long, hot summer months are often celebrated with backyard barbecues, beach days and spending time with friends and family. It’s a time to fire up the grill, slow down and roll with the punches.

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Support Your Immune System with Grapes

Boosting immune function through a healthy diet has become an important new focus for many people these days. One key dietary recommendation is to eat more fruits and vegetables each day to improve immune function and prevent heart disease and diabetes. When looking to guide your family to healthier snacks and meals or simply trying to mix up your at-home menu, success can be as simple as rethinking the ingredients you choose to use, including your favorite produce, such as grapes.

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Smart Advice to Build Your Own Business

With many tools and resources available, it is easy for entrepreneurs to build successful businesses. The United States has somewhere around 27 million entrepreneurs, and 69% of them started their businesses at home, according to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor report from researchers at Babson College and Baruch College.

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At-Home Learning Throughout Summer

Tips for keeping students sharp over the long-haul

With the majority of schools across the country closed, many parents are feeling the stress of taking more active roles in their children’s education. As time away from the classroom extends into summer, parents also face the challenge of helping their children maintain what they’ve learned through a summer of uncertainty.

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Good-for-You Sweet Treats

While eating healthy and enjoying sweets seldom go hand-in-hand, choosing the right combination of nutritious ingredients can allow for guilt-free indulgences that shirks conventional dieting wisdom. In fact, some eating plans take it a step further by actually encouraging eating big in the evening when you’re naturally hungriest to help achieve your weight loss goals.

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Essential Pantry Staples to Have on Hand

Keeping a well-stocked pantry ensures you can pull together a quality meal on a moment's notice or when unexpected circumstances keep you from making it to the store. In many homes, the pantry is filled with mismatched odds and ends that may not fit together, but you can shop smart to gather basic ingredients you need for a wide range of recipes.

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Ways to Make Hearty Meals at Home with Pantry Staples

Stocking up on pantry essentials is a productive practice, especially as people across the country spend more time at home. However, having all those ingredients on-hand doesn't do as much good if you aren't sure how to use them or feel as if you're constantly whipping up the same dishes.

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Now’s the Time to Teach At-Home Nutrition

With a lot of parents facing the challenge of keeping housebound kids happy and healthy, this is the perfect time to teach kids the basics of nutrition and eating right.

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5 Tips for Better Home Safety this Spring

As people become more active during the warmer months, keeping home safety top of mind can sometimes go by the wayside. However, when it comes to fire and carbon monoxide safety, you can never be too prepared.As people become more active during the warmer months, keeping home safety top of mind can sometimes go by the wayside. However, when it comes to fire and carbon monoxide safety, you can never be too prepared.
